Our Ministries
[1Ti 4:12 NKJV] “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” The Branch believes that young people are not only the church of tomorrow, but an essential part of the church of today. God’s church has a mandate from scripture to be a counterculture to what is going on in the world, and there is no better place for that to begin than with young people. Pursuit Youth offers weekly teaching specifically focused to today’s students. However, at The Branch, it’s not only about the classroom. We also sponsor activities and fellowship to build relationships and just have fun. Game nights, Special outings, youth rallies, and church camps are some great ways to build a Christ-centered life for young people.

[Psa 127:3 NKJV] “Behold, children [are] a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb [is] a reward.” Successful families attend church together. However, children need communication on their level—not the rhetoric of the pulpit. This is why The Branch has built a ministry around communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the delicate hearts of children. Children’s Church (Sunday school) is a critical component for a young life to feel connected to Christ and to whole church body. Of course, there is some fun and games, but there is also heart felt worship and sound teaching. There are also times for the children to share songs and short plays with the rest of the church.

In responsibility, accountability, spirituality, and leadership, the Bible has a lot of instruction on how to be the kind of man that is pleasing to God. As a means to encourage this kind of life, Men’s Huddle is a monthly meeting for the men of The Branch. The spirit of the world seeks to attack the biblical role of men. Thus, it is all the more important in these times to find ways to encourage what scripture teaches men of God to do: [1Ti 2:8 NKJV] “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting”. We also, encourage attendance at an annual Men’s Retreat and sponsor occasional men’s outings.

Whether considering the biblical examples of Deborah, Esther, Priscilla, and Lydia, or modern paragons, the success of God’s church has always depended on the strength of women. Many are the times when women lead in worship, lead in prayer, lead in teaching, and lead in the dedication that Christ has called all of mankind to. At The Branch, it is no different, and our durability is due in large part to our ladies living out the words of Proverbs 31. Our assembly is committed to facilitating times of refreshing for women. Whether exclusive classes, retreats, or special fellowship, Ladies ministry is an effective and important part of our assembly.

If you have ever received an unexpected letter that encouraged you at just the right time, you will certainly appreciate the ministry of Heart 2 Heart. The special group was originally the passion of our late, and much loved, Rosa Short. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays, and everything in between are opportunities to receive a card in the mail from this group. This ministry is designed to recognize your life, achievements, and contributions to society and the church alike. Regardless of how great or small you believe your life is, we want you to know that you are important to The Branch.

[Psa 150:3-6 NKJV] “Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!” Music, as an expression of praise to the Lord, is a catalyst for humanity to draw close to him and shut the rest of the world out. Scripture repeatedly says to sing to the Lord, an instruction that we love to participate in at The Branch. Whether with instrument, our voices, with a choir, or solo performances, music plays an important role when we come together to put our minds on Christ.

Today’s American culture seems to be at an all-time high for scriptural illiteracy. Biblical stories and lessons that were once at the forefront of society’s mind have, unfortunately, fallen to the wayside in our collective decision making. In addition to our regular mid-week Bible Study, The Branch offers personal Bible Studies to those who have had limited or no exposure to scripture. In short, if you simply don’t know what is in the Bible, this is an opportunity to find out what the story of scripture is. Further, it is an opportunity to get answers to questions you may have been carrying for a long time.